Yes, CoCo, I am affected.
I'm so depressed. Maybe when the rain actually starts I'll feel better!
Thanks for starting this topic! Many will respond.
as i intimate in the words below, i like autumn and winter, but there's a downward spiral in my emotions.
i'm in control, yet, .
rain, at long last, has touched both our land and my soul.
Yes, CoCo, I am affected.
I'm so depressed. Maybe when the rain actually starts I'll feel better!
Thanks for starting this topic! Many will respond.
as i intimate in the words below, i like autumn and winter, but there's a downward spiral in my emotions.
i'm in control, yet, .
rain, at long last, has touched both our land and my soul.
As I intimate in the words below, I like autumn and winter, but there's a downward spiral in my emotions. I'm in control, yet, . . .
RAIN, AT LONG LAST, has touched both our land and my soul. The burning sun of a protracted summer has released its hold; I breathe in the welcome cool and damp of ground-hugging mist.
Yet, an unforeseen sadness creeps into the worn fabric of life, and loose-hanging garments afford no warmth to my diminishing frame.
i feel a sadness so deep that friends wonder why my art and my blinds remain undrawn.. gone is the muse who promised me solacewhile guys played ball and climbed tall trees.. a blank canvas before me says, "here's your life, where has it gone?".
is it too late to become what imight have become .
As I journey through life, I take a path not traveled by others, or so it would seem.
I reach out, sometimes in tears, more often with hope, that another sole wanderer
Will come along with me and share the journey leading to better times and places.
It is as if, however, no one hears the murmurings of a heart wishing company,
One with whom to share in Nature's wonders, to delight in what she has wrought.
I continue to meander through life's lanes untrammeled, knowing that soon you'll
Sense my unseen but real presence and happily take my hand and lift my heart.
i feel a sadness so deep that friends wonder why my art and my blinds remain undrawn.. gone is the muse who promised me solacewhile guys played ball and climbed tall trees.. a blank canvas before me says, "here's your life, where has it gone?".
is it too late to become what imight have become .
Rain, at long last, has touched both our land and my soul.
The burning sun of a protracted summer has released its hold;
I breathe in the welcome cool and damp of ground-hugging mist.
Yet, an unforeseen sadness creeps into the worn fabric of life and
Loose-hanging garments afford no warmth to my diminishing frame.
with all the leaked information, it has to be a one way direction to the exit for the watchtower leadership and gb.. they can not stay.. it can take time, but this is the only scenario.. g..
"The overseer should therefore be irreprehensible, a husband of one wife, moderate in habits, sound in mind, . . ." -- 1 Timothy 3:2
Irreprehensible : free from blame or reproach [in] conduct in all respects --
I recall, in situations I read about or observed personally, that an elder might've been guiltless in a particular controversial situation, but if he lost the confidence of the congregation, he could no longer serve effectively. I don't know if that automatically paints him "reprehensible," given the definition.
Do I recollect correctly?
i know how tech-savvy many of you on board are and i need help finding a poster's avatar -- she's not posted here in many moons but it was awesome poster of 1950s picture of brunette in a dress holding a gun with a cigarette hanging in her mouth -- not real lady like but she's pulls it off.
it's called 'heater, cigarette' online but the poster (picture/whatever) she had was in color and with a quote.
anyone recall - recollect out there?
i know how tech-savvy many of you on board are and i need help finding a poster's avatar -- she's not posted here in many moons but it was awesome poster of 1950s picture of brunette in a dress holding a gun with a cigarette hanging in her mouth -- not real lady like but she's pulls it off.
it's called 'heater, cigarette' online but the poster (picture/whatever) she had was in color and with a quote.
anyone recall - recollect out there?
Me, again:
I've gotten to members eleven years in -- must be further back.
Taking a break.
i know how tech-savvy many of you on board are and i need help finding a poster's avatar -- she's not posted here in many moons but it was awesome poster of 1950s picture of brunette in a dress holding a gun with a cigarette hanging in her mouth -- not real lady like but she's pulls it off.
it's called 'heater, cigarette' online but the poster (picture/whatever) she had was in color and with a quote.
anyone recall - recollect out there?
Hi, LV101:
I'm looking for you. I found a smoking blonde, i.e., a blonde who is smoking -- Harvard Illiterate 411.
Amazing, as I go through 20 at a time, how many non-posting members there are. I don't recognize most of them.
i’ve been here for many years.
the tone seems to be different in this place.
not so many pissed off exjws .
No I'm not. If you keep moving forward in your waking up process rage is only a temporary part of it, kind of like the stages of grief. It's not healthy to maintain anger. -- sparrowdown
The stages of grief apply to awakening from the grips of a cult.
There is the Denial, the Anger, the Bargaining, the Depression, and the Acceptance. -- stuckinarut2
No. I am amazed at how well-adjusted I have become in my new life, given how mentally and emotionally messed up I had been during my entire pitiful existence.
Learning about the specific stages of grief and understanding my step-by-step movements through each of the five provided tangible proof that I was healing, calming down, accepting who I am and no longer wanting to kill myself.
greetings, fellow bibliophiles:.
i remember how sad i was, as a little child, when our beloved carnegie library was razed (unsafe, structurally).
the same tragedy occurred when we moved to a new town and that similar architectural treasure was demolished to put up a new and gleaming building of steel and glass.
I am truly whelmed over!
Thank you, SBF, Bill C, jp, Xanthippe, Jeff, fast J, LUHE, just fine,Juan V, LHG, and Wasa. And any others whom I might have missed (sorry).
I am a very slow and unskilled typist, making detailed replies to all of you nearly impossible. Weird -- a pianist who cannot type. Yet, I relate to so much of what you have written, my having been a child of the '50s.
I devoured everything as a child and took notes on what I read, dictionary at the ready. That has led me, in my dotage, to much satisfying work as an editor (aka Grammar Nazi).
Blessings and Peace.